Source Code

The Witches Kiss

During intercourse, a well endowed circumcised male will bend over and push his erect penis out towards his ass. Then a woman with a larger sized nose will proceed to stick her nose up his ass while performing felatio.

He was surprised when his Hungarian receptionist gave him the witches kiss.

by Barry Bod December 29, 2021

10๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

The bearded witch

A sexual technique used by a male: A guy picks up a girl and goes back to hers. Whilst the lady is 'preparing herself' in the bathroom, the guy cuts off his pubic hair and leaves them in a pile near the bed. As sexual interaction is reaching the climax, the guys pulls out and ejaculates all over the girls face, picks up the pile of pubes, rubs them over her face and there in front of him the girls transforms into the bearded witch....

Tim didn't want to, but a bet was a bet. He took Louisa back to her place with the expressed intention of getting a picture of her as The bearded witch ...

by T Allen October 4, 2006

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Witch Hunt

Originating from the Greek: Witchus Huntus, A 'Witch Hunt' is a search, chase or pursuit for one or more, 'Witches'.

Jim's sister is a witch, let the witch hunt commence!

Which witch is which and by the way who flicked the switch, was it a witch, because that bitch has begun a flippin' dairy dippin... chicken... switchin witch... where was i... oh yeah... which witch is which hunt

(A Witch hunt has begun in the flick of a switch)

by Dr. William Francess Whajamaho May 24, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž

witch hunt

Originating from Las Vegas, a term used when a group of males go out to the many fine strip club establishments, and spend all their money on the stripper succubi.

"You coming to the witch hunt Tuesday?" "Oh hell yeah, I haven't been on a witch hunt in ages!"

"Fast cars and dubstep are recommended for a witch hunt."

by patrickbatemanswellpressedsuit May 31, 2013

24๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

Witch Finger

The penis of a really hot girl that comes as the worst surprise at the worst of times.

Or as seen in Clerks II, a girl with a very large clit.

"Yo man, that girl was so hot, but then I went to go down on her and she had a witch finger."

"Randal Graves: Emma, are you like this 'cause you have an unnaturally large clit?

Emma: You just *had* to tell him, didn't ya?

Dante Hicks: It kinda came out one day!

Randal Graves: He says it's so big it's almost like a little cock, which says all kinds of weird things about him that I don't even wanna think about."

by TheBlackAdept November 6, 2012

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Witch Hunt

to chase and search and/or pursue one, or any number of, females.

"The trip to iowa city turned into a witch hunt when we realized we had nowhere to stay."

"Yeah dude, we were mackin on bitches all night!"

by Stephon Potlatch September 16, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blair Witch

1. Anything poorly made.

adj. (Blair Witch-ey)
2. To be a simply and utterly appalling actor/actress.

1. That door is such a blair witch. Look at it, it's falling apart at the hinges!

2. Did you see that movie 'Tomb Raider'? Yeah, that girl in it was so blair witch-ey.

by K-drizzle December 27, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž