The act of being a poser on a longboard. Usually a hipster or a young teenage girl who act like there the shit because they have a longboard. basically any one who cant stop or can't ride a longboard, but deceives people into believing they are at a level at which they aren't even close.
Dude:Hey did you hear Jenny got a longboard
Bra:yea dude, but she's a total wrong boarder. I mean till she can prove her worth tackling the big hill.
Dude: yea she talks a big game. I bet she can't even brake
Bra: she sounds like such a wrong boarder
Dude:wrong boarding gives longboarding such a bad name.
5๐ 7๐
A boarding school from the outside perspective is a school that's for parents that care about their kids getting the best of their education.
A boarding school from the inside perspective (the one which I go to) is quite an ordinary school like any others. The differences is that there are more diverse groups, and at the same time these groups have a tendency to self-segregate themselves by language barriers/likeliness, although with some overlapping. There are the same "weed, drug, smoke, alcohol, sex" people, nevertheless some of them are responsible, some are not (given the laws of their native countries). There are greater expenditures spent on facilities and technology (like Smart Boards/Laptops for everyone/etc), but at the same time theres Internet Censorship (blocking i.e. websense). There are some mandatory practices depending on what school you go to, such as joining a club/activity, playing sports, going to chapel, etc. Some schools have more extracurriculars than others, and some schools have varying degrees of freedom for students. Most people at the boarding schools dislike the schedule/routine/rules involved such as curfew, staying after 3/4pm, weekend school, etc.
Yes, there are rich people (who own farms, businesses, mansions, private jets), but these are also a minority. At least 30% or typically on scholarships or financial assistance, and I have not found any notable differences. I have heard from my friends that the girls here are "harder to get", more "bitchy", alas whether thats true or not, its up to you to decide.
Most boarding schools do try to bullshit on their brochure a lot on traditions, upstanding values, and extraordinary/exemplary civilized students; which most of the case is probably not true, but there are students like that anywhere, which is not limited to just boarding schools. You do meet people all over the world, but there are little differences, with the exception of minor lifestyle changes that people experience such as schedule shifts, servants/rules, etc.
Unfortunately, when I look back at the year books from earlier years, most of the students tend to be homogenous in nature with respect to ethnicity. (White, rich, has some of that early styles hair); but the landscape has significantly changed, given that there are Asians, Blacks, Whites, Africans, Anglos, etc.
7๐ 12๐
a place where parents ship their children of to, because they take up too much of their time, and to waste their money.
bss is a crap boarding school...something short of an orphanage
63๐ 183๐
A plastic skateboard ridden exclusively by 12 year old girls on tumblr or adult men who dont have enough self confidence to ride a real skateboard, and not enough self respect to realize theyd be better off walking.
Look at Timmy trying to be cool, Penny Boarding with his airpods in. Its just sad.
7๐ 13๐
A board where a bunch of losers define things on Urban Dictionary.
They also like to use Zunes and hate the iPod touch for good reasons.
Everyday shoutbox...
<Person1> Haha insert username isn't defined yet
<Person2> (zomg face)
<Person3> (>8|)
<Person4> Zune Boards ! I need help with mah zoon
6๐ 11๐
a person with an high rank/post count on a message board that picks on noobs. refers to the feudal era when samurais were considered olf high rank, and shunned average citizens.
stupid Board Samurai thinks he can talk down to me just because he has a higher post count.
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An excellent board on
I spend too much time on the OPM Board.
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