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scale of fishiness

The scale that is used for rating how fishy or shrimp smelling a pussy is. Scale goes from 0-100 and 100 is the most smelling pussy ever, usually from a nasty dyke who just got done with a soccer or softball match and didnt wash herself the last few nights.. Used for indicating whether or not someone has a smoked trout or not, as well as other things.

Will Smith "DAAAAAAAAAMN my brothaaaa, that girl has a stankkkyyyyyy mofuggin pussayyyyyy"
Sean Connery " Yea, shes got to be at LEAST a 75 on the scale of fishiness"

by the fisherman of life January 1, 2010

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The r-scale is much like the f-scale for tornados f1 equals weak tornado f5 equal strong. Except the r-scale is for retards. An R1 is someone with minor down syndrome or some other mild mental retardation. R5 is someone that is a vegetable. R2 to R4 are whatever is in between. then there is pretard for those people that should be deemed retarded but are not.

Example one of word pretard:
Pretard: man that guy has like 20 pounds of kilos of cocaine.

Example two of use of R-scale:
Man 1: hey that girl in the wheelchair over there...
Man 2: yeah what about her?
Man 1: ... shes a stupid R4 waist of skin

by Domfree September 12, 2008

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Success Scale

A scale used to decribe to one's friends how far one has gone with a person of the opposite sex.

1/4 success = kissing/making out
1/3 success = feeling up/being felt up (above the belt)
1/2 success = hand job/fingering
3/4 sucess = oral/blow job
full sucess = sex

Kate: How far on the success scale did you get with Johnny last night?
Amy: Only 1/3 success. He tried for some 3/4, but I wasn't keen.

by Lalalalalala. January 28, 2011

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Dale Scale

A scale of 1-10 for rating girls. Girls will tend to acheieve a higher rating than usual on the Dale Scale, usually of +2. So a girl who is a 6 on a 'normal' scale, would achieve an 8 on the Dale Scale. Approximately, 90% of girls will acheive at least an 8.

Dale: "Oooh hello, check out the girl on the left!"
Friend: "Dale Scale?"
Dale: "Easy 9"

by Sheeep fiddler June 28, 2010

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rape scale

A method of categorizing near-rape to full-rape experiences, with one being a casual, non-sex offender sort of comment, five being somewhere in the grey area between a law suit and a brush off, and ten being full-on, jail-for-life rape.

I saw that guy totally just grab your ass. I hope it was below a five on the rape scale or we need to beat somebody up!

by Dukes by Daisy April 7, 2011

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Joey Scale

A unit of measuring how bad the smell from a #2 is.
Rated from 0.0 to 1.0 Joeys tells how bad it smells.
0.0 to 0.49 is relatively minor, 0.5 is a normal human.
0.51 to 0.99 is strong.
1.0 Joeys is defined with paint peeling, a black cloud, and a sense of accomplishment.
Anything 1.1+ is EPIC! Contact a physician immediately!!!

Person 1: What did that rate on the Joey Scale?
Person 2: 0.9, don't go in there for a while.

by my401coupe June 22, 2009

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diseconomies of scale

The opposite of economies of scale. Here, cost price per unit increases as production increases.

We have a problem, we suffer diseconomies of scale.

by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004

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