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a chode has nothing better to do than actually look up the word chode on urban dictionary like a frikkin chode


by anonymous March 19, 2005

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a person with a little penis

edgard has a tiny chode

by Savage December 24, 2002

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The definition "chode" is the area between the penis and the asshole. Not a long and very wide pemis, you losers!

f ck fear drink CHODE I'm temperchodal 90% tepmer 10%CHODE (DON'T TOUCH MY chode)

by Nicole September 1, 2004

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A penis that is wider than it is long. Usually put in pimply,bloody pussy's.

Brendan popped nikkis cherry with that chode

by jack December 9, 2002

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A penis which has a greater width than it does length, although contrary to popular opinion, a chode cannot exist, the word is simply used to mockingly define a penis which is short and fat, see stumpy

"wow, that is one chodey chode"

by hex_ten December 24, 2004

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Really fat but small penis

Pablo Bogarin has a killer chode

by Jack Hunter May 15, 2007

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Chode, sometimes spelled choad.

1. A short, stubby penis.

2. Fecal matter clinging to an animal's rear.

3. The perineum.

1. OMG my gay lover has a chode like a cheese wheel LOLOLOL!!!!1

2. Chode encounters of the turd kind!!

3. Please do not spank my chode with a fly swatter.

by JohnnyBJs August 27, 2006

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