Source Code

mcdonalds soup

A substance that looks like throwup. Usaly made with mlik water and things on your school lunch tray you don't want.

Me and my friend made mcdonalds soup today with milk ranch oranges and water

by sicman May 27, 2014

Suicide Soup

Suicide Soup:
-Tide Pods
-2 blenders
-One toaster
-A bathtub
-A noose
-a cup
First start with making a noose. Hang the noose in the bathtub. Get your bleach, Tide pods, toaster and two blenders. Put the bleach and Tide pods into the tub. Attach the blenders to your wrist. Get into the tub and put the noose around your neck. After slouching down in the tub with the noose around your neck take a cup, fill it with bleach and a single Tide Pod. Drink the cup of bleach and eat the Tide pod. Then drop the toaster at the same time as starting the blenders. The noose will steep you like a tea bag into the tub while everything mixes together creating the soup.

I'm making Suicide Soup.

by Tet December 3, 2019

White soup

Slang name for cum.
Usually used as a joke medicine for when someone has a fever or a cold.

That girl had a cold, so I gave her some of that white soup.

by Jakob1969 September 15, 2019

Soup master

A particular man who is so amazing he doesn't even need a definition

A:who is the soup master

B:When you see the soup master you will know who he is.

by Wake me up outside August 24, 2019

Soup Snakes

It means Soul Mates and if you don't get that reference, than you will never find yours.

Holly and I are "Soup Snakes."

by Chezus58 September 10, 2020

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soup Nazi

a take-out soup restaurant that serves many varieties of soup, but only soup 2) a temperamental foreigner who owns a soup restaurant, and either refuses to serve a customer or throws him/her out of the restaurant for the slightest little annoyance

You are a soup nazi if in your words of wisdom you ever come across saying "No Soup for You"!

by Jason June 30, 2004

148๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

sexual soup

using alphabet soup to spell out your sexual desires

my alphabet soup spelled blow-job and later that night she gave me one!(sexual soup)

by tuma-luma October 1, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž