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Tony George

The owner and CEO of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. As a result of a temper tantrum where he did not get his way, he founded the Indy Racing League, ultimately ruining both open wheel racing in the United States and the Indianapolis 500. See also the Idiot Grandson and Clabber Boy.

Tony George ruined both open wheel racing in the United States and the Indianapolis 500.

by Rex Karz October 1, 2004

114👍 21👎

Tony Tirri

1.) A Rookie
2.) Sucks a beer pong
3.) Pance

Synonym: Timmy

" Look at all those grease in dat burgers"- Tony Tirri

by Big Dog Status March 12, 2010

Tony Bowl

When you smoke a bowl, that has so much tobacco others around you stop to watch

Kylan: Jesus, Patrick is about to smoke a Tony bowl
Eric: Wow I gotta watch this

by Rocket61 November 21, 2017

Toni Tyrone

A big boy from the wrong side of the river looking for a fresh start. From the greek word Tyroneth and the not so greek word tonieth

Boi u a Toni Tyrone get outta here u scumbag.

by dank_memes_696969 March 21, 2017

Tony Smith

Tony Smith is a pumpkin who was born on October 30th. He’s Italian and he has the best smile.

Holy shit I think that’s tony smith!

No it can’t be!

Omg let’s go get Tony’s autograph!

by Tony Smiths dad October 30, 2020


A word used in place of the word easy. Pronounced like the name Tony. Used commonly in the south of england.

Instead of "im easy mate", the saying goes "im toni mate", or "too easy" its "too toni", or "shes really easy mate" its "shes really toni mate"

by DangerMouseAnd May 11, 2011

8👍 108👎

tony homo

Antonio hamiro "Tony" HOMO (born April 21, 1980, in San Diego, California) is the current starting quarterback for the National Football League's Dallas Cowboys. He replaced the great (future HAll Of Famer)Drew Bledsoe in Week 8 of the 2006 season.He is known for being one of the most popular HOMO's of all time,especially in football when not many HOMO's compete.He has been rumored of dating Jessica Simpson of late,Which in turn had his fanbase in complete disaray wondering if he was a true HOMO.But he eventually proved otherwise by quickly putting an end to those rumors.
He also maintains is own website tonyhomo.com

Tony Homo is the starting quarterback of the Dallas COwboys.

by Joe Farries December 3, 2006

664👍 152👎