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G is uS

A California Based Electro-trash band.
Combining midi beats, rock and metal guitar, deadly bass lines, latin jazz drums, and vocals that sound like a gay version of your mom.

I <3 G is US, and that bass player they have is soooo hot.

by TyT YT March 6, 2004

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US Navy

The US Navy is a branch of the military that is filled with so much homosexuals it puts the LGBT+ community to shame.

Son:โ€œDad I wanna Join the US navyโ€
Dad:โ€œFor gods sake just say that your gayโ€

by AlwaysRight2158 November 10, 2022

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sucks for us

Denotes we will suffer for this, we are taking a loss, or we are at a disadvantage. Connotes someone else or others are benefiting from this, garnering a win, or obtaining an advantage.

Of course, that sucks for us. Our property taxes will increase, and we have to put up with new neighbors who make poor purchase decisions.

by Frank Zircona November 9, 2010

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Last of us

Awwww. Well that is just heartwarming and tragic. Love it.

Hym "Ha! Gay! Hahahahahahaha!"

Iam "Hehehehehehehehe. Yeah, that's funny. The last of us is good. I like this show."

by Hym Iam February 15, 2023

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Originated from the words beezy which means Girlfriend and wanna-beezy which means Romantic interest.

Guy 1: "Tomorrow is (ex-girlfriend name here)'s Birthday"
Guy 2: "You should really delete all your used-to-beezy info from your head. What if it messes with your current beezy info"

by DeathlikeJaguar November 25, 2009

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Among Us

A pretty fun game that was ruined by oversaturation, memes, and a community full of hackers and toxic 9 year olds.

I miss when Among Us wasn't just a terrible meme.

by ghostipenguin17 August 9, 2021

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using buddy

"Using buddy" is a term used to describe an addict's primary partner in crime who is at the same level of addiction and decision making as the addict themself.

Using buddy can be a compliment among addicts "you are the best using buddy ever!", or a disparaging comment - for example if someone calls you a crack addict in a critical way because of your behavior, and you reply "fuck you, using buddy" to indicate they are the pot callint the kettle black.

by dancing panda April 19, 2009

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