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Air Vape

When you exhale in cold weather to make it look like you are blowing smoke. Therefore vaping.

All the kids in the courtyard doing were air vape this morning and it looked super cool.

No it isnt, air vape is gay

by Thatguy447 December 3, 2018

Blue raspberry cherry vape

Fruity taste like, good ripe cherry witha bit of ice and raspberry.

Blue raspberry Cherry vape is the best mmmmm yummy.

by telly bell May 17, 2023

mega vaping

the process of which someone/somebodies smoke one or more vapor bongs. in all context, ten at the very least.

Ben visited from Batesville; we showed him "mega vaping." His bong with chronic never compared.

by megavapor March 27, 2010

girls with vapes

Usually considered a dike. Or is trying to impress her friends or maybe even cover up some daddy issues but overall highly unattractive

Look a girls with vapes goddamnit there ugly

by Gaybitchwhorefaggot June 13, 2017

Sexually Vaped

When you blow a vape cloud into either someones vagina or anus

Hahaha my friend sexually vaped me last night when i was drunk

by 5:15 October 30, 2017

vape beast

Vape Beast is the same thing as a Hype Beast they are trendchasers that are constantly bandwagoning everything that is trending within the vape community like box mods, new tricks, they often are seen using mechanical rather than electrical vapes.

Noobmaster69: Hey legend27, you're a fucking vape beast.
Legend27: lmao u just say that becuz u hate my in depth knawledge of the vape.

by PseudonymBoomerFaggot64 September 22, 2019

Reverse vaping

The act of drinking water

"Olivia, are you reverse vaping?"

by GSstudent2019 November 1, 2017