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verbal banana peel

This is something spoken that completely results in the person falling on their face in tremendously brilliant humiliation.

Remi informed his boss that he had an erotic dream about him. This verbal banana peel resulted in a termination and sexy results.

by von groovy July 20, 2024

Verbal Bubble Wrap

A way of protecting those around us; If done well it is thoughtful, without ego and does not ruin the present moment ;

can be done in a way to control the lives of those around us causing great disharmony in their lives.
When used by the government it is almost always the latter.

Her Verbal Bubble Wrap gives me no room to breathe or make my own decisions.

by CircusMagurkis May 2, 2020


The word to describe when a person gives verbal

what the fuck is this verbalism

by Reliable definitions October 31, 2022

Verbal junk mail

Advice from a “friend” who gives trash worthy advice they wouldn’t even take.

*Girl in front seat to a friend
“ If you’d like my advice.-”
“Literally no one wants your advice, Karen. Your advice is verbal junk mail.”

by K_IRL October 14, 2020

Verbal discharge

Act of verbally release anger.

My job is to take verbal discharges from my boss.

by JTheCoop November 23, 2018

First degree verbal assault

When you flame a nigga so bad yo ass needa be incarcerated.

First degree verbal assault is a verbally heinous crime.

by theytrynaeatcrack September 27, 2021

Verbal Reverse

The act of attempting to take back or undo something that has been said.

Boy: Hey - oh, it's only you.
Girl: What's that supposed to mean?!
Boy: Nothing... I didn't mean... erm...
Boy 2: He's gonna have to go into major verbal reverse to pull out of this one.

by angelblazex April 27, 2009