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put that work in

to put that work in (pronounced pu-da-wor-iyn) can mean several things. Generally speaking, it means to work at a job or get money. Another meaning of the term would be to have sex with a women. Overall, it can mean anything that improves oneself; it can be something that one does on a daily basis just to maintain sanity or health.

Example 1
#29: " I be tellin niggas...they gotta be puttin that work in. That cheese ain't gonna come on its own. If niggas want that paper, they gotta be puttin that work in"
Erup: No doubt, no doubt. I be telling my niggas that to.

Example 2
Alex: Yo Dave, where were you last night? I thought you said we was gonna chill?
Dave: Sorry bro, I was puttin that work in. I got this new bitch. She got that ass. So, anyway, what you end up doing last night?
Alex: Putting that work in with my bitch to.
Dave: Das wussup

Example 3
JLew: I'm going crazy man, and I feel like shit. I gotta put that work in.

by M.Solid June 18, 2009

39πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Working on the boat

Working on the boat is a euphemism for masturbating. Our friend would give an excuse for not hanging out with us by saying that, "he was working on the boat". Eventually we got so bothered by his "working on the boat" that we went to his house and asked his mother and she told us that he was in the bathroom. However he didn't exit the bathroom for 45 minutes. Thus he was "working on the boat".

Person 1: Hey were going over to my house, want to come?
Person 2: Sorry, I gotta work on the boat.

Person 1: Where were you man?
Person 2: Sorry, I was at my house working on the boat.

by mckeky01 August 12, 2010

35πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

I'm working on it

A phrase use to give a quick and satisfying response without prompting another question especially when work is not being done.

John: "How's the project coming along?"
Jane haven't done much: "I'm working on it."

by Cooc June 19, 2008

90πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Work Hangover

The feeling after long hours, days, or weeks of stressful and strenuous work. Similar to the feeling of a hangover, including headaches, body aches, antisocial behavior and short temper. Cured only by sleep, or alcohol.

Dawg, I'm nursing a gnarly work hangover; lets hit the bar so I can chase this shit off.

by Primer Gray November 17, 2010

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Working the Block

When in desperate need for cash, you resort to getting it by any means necessary. Most of the time you work by performing hand jobs, or blow jobs for anything you can get. In desperate cases you work for $15 an hour or $10 a load.

"Yo hows Jeanne paying for college?"
"I heard shes Working the Block.
"Working girl?"
"Hell yeah"
"Dude thats hawt, how much she charging?"
"About $10 a load."

by WΓΈnderbread January 24, 2010

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

booty work

To shake that junk inside your trunk

Oh mama, thats some nice booty work

by Bresgo November 28, 2006

31πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

adult work

Typically work involving being naked. Escort work, nude photography, or pornography.

Yeah, she needed more money. Started doing adult work.

by porterhousesteaks March 14, 2014

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž