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Yeet is a very strong word that means you. Yeet is another word for throw but damn does it sounds cooler.

"Yeet your mom's children."

by <=======)=====> February 21, 2020


1. an exclamation of joy, esp. when throwing something
syn: hell yeah, woot

2. to discard an item at a high velocity
syn: toss, chuck, hurl

3. to do something well; replaces any verb

1. "Look how far I can throw this baseball! Yeet!"

2. "I'm gonna yeet this rock over that wall."

3. "Watch out, I'm bouta yeet this math test." (replaces "ace")

"I'm bouta yeet this ramen, I haven't eaten since yesterday." (replaces "inhale")

by Sharpman76 December 8, 2019


Throw yo siblins into a ball and YEET the shit outta dem

Imma flex on dem haterz and YEET my bro down da stairs

by Tesla_21 June 21, 2019


A word Lazarbeam uses in every other sentence and that he has tattooed on his arm in fucking comic sans

Hi guys welcome back. YouTube let me keep my money. YEET!!!

by CODELAZARYEET August 28, 2019


a word to describe excitement typically used in basketball

ya i yeeted that ball into the hoop fam

by lit muffin January 21, 2019


To throw something at intense velocity.

This bitch is empty, YEET!!!

My mom's cooking sucks, so I yeeted my plate in the trash dude.

by NemmetX April 7, 2020




by crazy_girl2309 June 23, 2020