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zombie troll

Typically found in online forum threads and in comments sections on various articles and social networks, zombie trolls are dedicated to creating division, chaos, and hostility in discussion threads, often to the point of creating permanent divisions, and influencing other real discussion participants to take the same aggressive and divisive positions, and to create the same chaos and divisions on other threads.

Zombie trolls differ from regular trolls in that they play both sides of discussions in order to start fights. Zombie trolls have multiple social media and other discussion accounts, and use them to incite fights between the sides, often to the point of fighting with themselves after everyone else has left the threads.

They are especially prevalent in political threads, where zombie trolls use their multiple accounts to play both sides, and make controversial statements known to cause division in an effort to destroy any productive discussions that might be taking place.

Zombie trolls pose as supporters for candidates during primary contests, where the candidates typically represent similar ideologies, and turn the candidates' real supporters against each other in an effort to create divisions that translate into lower voter turnout for general elections, and victory for the opposing side, which is quite often the zombie troll's preferred side.

Man, those zombie trolls were all over that thread saying that Bernie won the coin flips and that Hillary cheated, and that they won't vote for her if she is nominated. I hope that nobody listens to that thoroughly unproductive and complete and utter pile of zombie troll bullshit, and uses their own brains to think about the consequences for everyone if she loses the general election.

I caught a zombie troll! He attacked his preferred candidate's primary opponent, when the candidate himself went on live national TV and said to support her if he didn't win the nomination. I called it out as unproductive zombie trolling, and reminded everyone of what our candidate really said to do, and then I moved on, because there is no point in having a discussion with a zombie troll who is dedicated to creating chaos and division.

by Bbungus February 3, 2016

Zombie Relationship

A zombie relationship is what you get when the relationship has died, (and we all know you can't come back from the dead) but they try to make it work anyway.

Yeah Dan and Sarah just need to call it, their zombie relationship clearly isn't working.

by Lungenbrotchen April 4, 2019

Zombie Kraken

1) A near undefeatable monster of biblical proportions originating from the sea which can survive on land. The Zombie Kraken is capable of devouring the largest of ships and small towns with relative ease. Its quick temper and vengeful nature makes it a beast best avoided.

2) A rock band which documents the many adventures of the Kraken in its un-dead form.

“Here comes the Zombie Kraken! Better make like a tree.”

by KrakenFan September 29, 2012

Attention Zombie

The most pathetic type of attention whore in the history of attention whores who fakes her own death online to get attention and sympathy from others. Usually accompanied by a league of her own alt accounts and simps who spread the news of unfortunate death and then a miraculous recovery few days later and collects all the attention.

"Is SoGna alright ? Haven't seen her online and I hear things."

Pfft...she's being an attention zombie. Again.

by urbanronin September 25, 2021

Sausage Zombie

A slutty older woman. One who still accepts sausage even though her skin is leathery and falling off her body.

Dude, that Ruby is SUCH a sausage zombie. I saw her with an 89-year old going into a strip club the other day.

by jorbastopal November 4, 2010

LCD Zombie

Students in a "smart" classroom with technology at their fingerprints who cannot break their zombie gaze from the LCD screen in front of them no matter how interesting the instructor may be.

My drafting teacher could cut off his right hand and those LCD zombies would never even look up from their screens.

by The Woodshop Teacher March 17, 2013

zombie stick

A large stick which is kept in one's room for the sole purpose of bludgeoning zombies when the zombie apocalypse happens.

John raised his zombie stick and brought down terror upon the undead.

by jamill14 May 16, 2011