When a server owner becomes lazy and kills off a server for a new one to repeat the cycle after a set amount of months
Did you just reset your server again??? What a Bronze Moment
lol moment
/lɒl,ɛləʊˈɛl ˈməʊm(ə)nt/
1. a moment where one can only describe the situation as 'lol'
1. ms hartley runs out of desk cleaner and then proceeds to dip because she knows the outcome of her tantrum will cause a earthquake and tsunami, what a lol moment
2. ms taylor goes to get a keyboard in room S46 while her class is in S43, she slips on nothing and the keyboard concusses her. Her class then decides to leave, lol moment
3. ms drauz sends arran outside after causing a disturbance in her class known as voicing his opinion and crawling away from her, lol moment haha
It's where you say/do something stupid from a lack of experience in a specific video game.
For example: *Placing the Nomad's Airjab way too high up the side of a door and is pointless.*
"HAHAHA. That's a Stinger Moment"
When Alter Ego gets into a complicated situation with his coworker, because he accidentally listened to DelutayΔ on full blast at work and has to explain the entire DelutayΔ Lore because of it.
When it's just a pon moment.
when things are to perfect to be a coincidence.
That was a total sim moment dude
7👍 1👎
A Skylar Moment is defined as getting a crush on somebody who you've sworn never to get attached to again.
For example, getting a crush on a girl, getting your heart broken by her, breaking all contact with her, then somehow still managing to fall in love with her 3 months later.
A: I love C so much dude
B: I thought you were over her?
A: Sorry bro, my brain pulled a Skylar Moment.
When someone exhibits compulsive, obsessive behavior who otherwise doesn't behave in such a manner. Derived from the "Monk" television show.
Amy had a Monk moment when she arranged the cans in her kitchen cabinet from largest to smallest.