The one that gets all the girls; A promiscuous man
Chris is such a Babe Wrangler, all the girls love him.
An idealized wife in a patriarchal society. One who solely wants to cook, clean, and wear dresses without any interesting in reading, thinking, or participating in academic circles. A woman who spends her formative years solely learning the arts of homemaking and baking bread; eventually to marry rich and spend the rest of her days doing just that.
Not to be confused with trophy wife.
"Oh my god, Lindsey is such a bonnet babe!"
"Gaston must have thought Belle was a real bonnet babe to fall for him"
Used to describe a girl who is so attractive that simply thinking about her makes you unable to speak clearly.
You know, Kristen Stewart is such a Planet Babe.
A hot/attractive women you see, that you do you want have sex with, but cannot, since you already have a girlfriend and you are not scum enough to cheat on her. She is basically like a book that you don't read, that sits on the book shelf collecting dust.
Janice worked in the office right next to me, she was so beautiful that I often daydreamed about her in the middle of work, however I already have a girlfriend and don't want to risk an office romance either, she'll always be that bookshelf babe to me.
An individual characterized as consistently operating under pressure while maintaining their charm & beauty. Derived from "the Bends," which is a type of sickness caused by rapid decompression.
"She's working 2 jobs & taking classes full-time, but you can't tell if she's tired or not. She always looks good. She's a bends babe, bro."
"They're waiting for you to fail, but you're always on top of your game. You're the bends babe they want to be."
A girl, typically between the ages of 11 and 15, who, when older, will be a desirable hook up.
Dakota Fanning has total babe potential.
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