Source Code

Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned...

Wow, this definition sucks!

by udontknowmeidontknowu November 30, 2020

Ban Day

On December 17th any dumb fuck who harasses the owner gets a ban

Wow this idiot sent a dumb meme on ban day

by MarshallDevilTeach December 17, 2022

yep, you're banned

Sarcastic reply to a fat joke that was not intended to be rude, and was found funny by the recipient of said joke. The phrase is a reference to the steamer caseoh_ eho gets angry abandoned who makes a fat joke in his chat.

"Bro looks like a 1x1 Lego brick"
"Yep, you're banned haha"

by Agent_Z February 29, 2024

feel ban

Feel ban is when someone on discord ban someone because someone talked shit about them like calling them a bad moderator for valid reasons

motherfucker just said "be a more active moderator", so i gave him a feel ban

by niggerfaggotcocklicker69 February 5, 2020

Banned Episode

A popular YouTube trend where commentary YouTubers usually list top banned episodes of a tv show or show an iceberg of banned episodes. Most popularly, “Red Mist” AKA “Squidward’s Suicide”

Someone: “Hey! What type of videos do you like to watch?”
Figgleton: “Banned Episode icebergs and creepypastas”

by Tickel August 2, 2022


The Tori-Ban is when all the guys who get a girlfriend aren’t aloud to hang out with “Tori” anymore, “Tori” is the type of friend who makes the girlfriend scared and jealous that she’ll steal them.

Babe, stop hanging out with “Tori”, I’m officially placing a Tori-Ban.

by GEO THE GOAT April 24, 2024

cat ban

cat ban is when a crazy cat lady gives up her cats and is to traumatized to get more so they ban all cats from her home and other places she may see.

catlady: I CAT BAN YOU

person : she a bit crazy innit?
other person: yeh she's off 'er head

by catperson1234 June 8, 2020