Source Code


hi bb hi bb hi bb

Hi BB how u doin

by BigDikD November 17, 2020


BB can mean baby or best bitch. It’s a nickname for couples or Bestfriends.

Me and my BB went downtown last night.

by Clickklac2000 January 31, 2021


Can stand for a basic bitch or bitter bitch. Used an abbreviation when addressing a particular bitch who is bitter and or basic. Plural can be used as "BBs"

"Wow, you really are upset over nothing. Typical BB behavior"

by True Wave November 7, 2021


The best person in the world and is pretty and smart and athletic and gets good grades and is the best.

Omg ur such a bb!!

by Owa owaa May 21, 2021


Bareback; without condom

Do you offer BB service?

by Jshsysj December 26, 2023


Big bitch

Carina is a big BB She ate 3 combos in one sitting!

by 8052004 March 22, 2023


Definition: BB, standing for Big Bitch or Big Bastard

Origin: when Heidi Klum said that Sophia in Germany's Next Topmodel walked like a little bitch, the viewers joked that she looks like a BB
Big Bastard originated after they made BB gender neutral
Made so people don't know you're insulting them

Related; to get shot with a BB gun, to shoot with a BB gun

Heidi Klum: you look like a little bitch when you walk
Viewer: Girl you look like a BB

by prisonpepper February 24, 2022