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Rat Bite

A cruel sexual act where someone inserts their middle finger and thumb into the ass and vagina of another person (female) respectively - and snaps their fingers.

Amanda broke-up with Doug because he gave her a rat bite.

by Jaybird34 April 8, 2009

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Cat bites

Two monroe piercing next to each other. Basically spider bites on your upper lip.

Noah: Did you see that girl with spider bits on her top lip? SHE WAS HOT!
Sarah: Yeah, i their called Cat bites.

by jwizzlefonizzle July 18, 2011

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biting the saddle

biting the saddle takes style-cramping to an entirely new level.

to bite the saddle is to emulate your friend's taste in everything: clothes, music, members of the opposite sex,leisure activities,general philosophy of life, accessories, even going so far as to adopt their friend's terminology and inside jokes with others and regurgitate them as their own.

Saddle biters become so engaged in making themselves in their friend's image they do not realize what they are doing, all the while insisting that's what they are into and it's a completely original product of their own creativity.

Innocent bystanders may be deceived by the saddle biter and assume that this person does in fact have a personality, based on the outward appearance of the individual biting the saddle, and the cultural references and name dropping that he/she engages in to gain access to a social group. However if the saddle biter was ever pressed it would become abundantly clear that he/she has only superficial knowledge of anything cool which has been gleaned from the originator of the style.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you like {insert obscure band name here} and {insert obscure movie title here} and going {insert random activity here} TOO! we are so alike! you are the coolest person ever"
"I KNOW. i love all those things more than anything."
"so like whats your favorite song by {obscure band}?
"ummm uhhh my friend ummm is like more into them than me"
"oh so its your friend who has the good taste"
"yea well we both do"
"and you are just a human wasteland"
"pretty much"
"stop biting the saddle"

by cooler than you could ever be April 1, 2008

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Ear Biting

Ear biting a fun little activity when a person nibbles gentally on another's ear. Causing a weird sensation.

Brad: Woah I experienced something new last night.
Chad: what was it dude?

Brad: she was nibbling on my ear, like Ear Biting

by swootyswoot December 29, 2020

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slug bites

Tender β€”and very tinyβ€” kisses or nibbling, using the very outside part of the lips to "bite", and gently tug the skin of your loved one (or anonymous sexual partner).

"Man, it was hot ... first we kissed normally, and then she gave me slug bites on my inner thighs. I was seriously boned".

by wordbird June 29, 2006

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brownie bite

licking someone's butthole

"she showed him her back boobs in exchange for a brownie bite"

by tomw April 11, 2007

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Biting the kerb

The cruel, disgraceful and inhumane act of a specific way of murder; when one makes their victim open their mouth wide and bite down on the side of the kerb that is a 90 degree angle or as close to, and then stomps hard on the back of their head/neck. Causing the victims jaw to break into his skull, and his skull to move into his jaw. Causing a collision that results in a painful death.

How did he kill him?" "Biting the kerb"

by ShakAttaque March 20, 2011

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