When angry people vote emotionally on a simple binary question that needs a rational understanding of what is a complex issue and then only pass muster by a whisker and expect everyone else to be bound forever by that vote, I say bollocks. I said bollocks to Mugabe who always won on simple binary votes; I say bollocks to Hitler and all the other tyrants in recent history who won popular/populist votes.
I say "Bollocks to Brexit"
"Bollocks to Brexit"
A British term for shit or poop or the number can also describe something that is extremely disgusting or gross or extreme disgust
In modern short terms: Bullshit
In old terms: An eggplant
Example 1
Person 1: I'm getting a girl at the club today
Person 2: Bollocks, you're too much of a dummy or weakling to get one
Example 2
Person 1: My boss just keeps pushing me around and expects me to be his punching bag. He barely pays me enough too.
Person 2: Then bro, quit. You don't wanna be grabbing bollocks all of the time
British equivalent of Bullshit
Mostly used when someone tells a lie or says something that is fake
Person 1: Holy shit dude I just lost my Virginity yesterday
Person 2: Oh shut up that’s a load of Bollocks
A 'Posher' word/term for Testicles.
Oh Bollocks, I just whacked my leg.
A pair of people that make you feel sick and resemble male genitalia
Ezra and Gina are the bollocks of the group