Source Code

Bucks County

A county in South Eastern Pennsylvania where M. Night Shyamalan filmed his movie "Signs" (which was an awful movie). As a result of filming it in a mostly rural setting, he now gives the impression that Bucks County is nothing but farmers living in the sticks with their cows to keep them company.

Watch "Signs" and then come here. You'll see what I mean.

by hayleyfly February 5, 2005

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Salt Buck

slang for 10 dollars


10 dollars worth of weed.

Guy: Do you have change for a salt buck?
Woman: Yes, I do

by Yogers April 6, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

quick buck

(n.) A lump sum of cash recieved instantly for selling out

Good Charlotte realised they suck, so they sold out and made a quick buck

by Gumba Gumba May 23, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

a buck 2.98

A Pittsburgh slang term for how much anything from a pound of chipped ham to a Kennywood ticket costs.

How much do tickets to a Buccos game cost?
A buck 2.98.

by xert512 July 6, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

buck snort

The violent sound your ass makes when gas errupts from it.

What the hell was that? And that nasty funky smell! That my friends is called buck snort! Enjoy it...

by The Man Carter January 11, 2005

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Big Buck

Drive to Half Moon Bay CA, stand on ANY street corner and yell "George Bush is a draft dodger". The drooling, flat slob that runs up to you with a fistfull of NeoNazi website "fact-sheet" print outs yelling at you to step up and defend your position is Big Buck himself. Carefull! Don't get to close to him in the summertime as he gets a little ripe. That wide yellow streak down his back is not a competition stripe BTW.

Go to www.kpig.com/squeals and watch Big Buck make a total fool of himself.

by Laura August 10, 2004

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Buck Foston

Fuck Boston. For any one who hates The Boston Red Sox, especially New York Yankee Fans.

Steve: Hey Joe, whats your favorite red sox player?

Joe: Buck Foston.

by strack94 January 21, 2009

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