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Buckle Buddy

A person who seeks sexual and/or emotional intimacy with a cowboy from the Rodeo circuit.

Ennis Del Mar: Y'all seen Jack? He was supposed to meet me a half hour ago.

Rodeo Clown: Shoot, Jack left for the hotel with a Buckle Buddy and a bottle of whiskey. I think he's gonna get ridden harder than the bull did! Eeeeweeee! I tell you whut!

by Poindexter Hinklebothom June 3, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bitching Buddy

A Bitching Buddy (BB) is someone that only talks to (well, complains) to you when something is bothering them. They may appear to be a good friend, when all they do is 'bitch' about other people or anything that bothers them. During a Bitching Buddy episode, the BB may say things like, "I'm so glad I talked with you; you're such a good friend"...blah, blah, blah. However, under normal circumstances they may not give you the time of day! Being a Bitching Buddy victim is not fun, especially when your kindness (taking the time out of your day to listen to the BB's horsehit) is completely disregarded once you make them feel better.

You-"Oh hi, BB! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in a long time."

BB-"Oh girl, my life is shambles right now! My boyfriend cheated on me with another man and I don't know what to do. I haven't eaten in days, I haven't been to the gym, I don't know what to do.....(bitching continues for about an hour or so)"

You-(insert some very good advice here)

BB-"Girl, you know exactly how to make me feel better! I love you girl, this is why we're great friends. Let's do lunch (empty promise)."

You-"Okay, that would be a lot of fun...maybe we could try next week?"

*BB sees someone that she knows*

BB-"Oh hey, Person-that-I-know!!! Wait up girl...I'm starving, let's get lunch."

*You feeling used and alone*

You-She's such a Bitching Buddy!!

by LPerri116 October 2, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Muddy Buddy

Motorboating someones ass while they shit in your face.

Im not really sure why i thought it was a good idea to be Billy's Muddy Buddy.

by Tylex June 8, 2015

44๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kik Buddy

KikA kik Buddy started from the smartphone app Kik . 1.Someone who your interested in but won't tell the person your interested . You kik all the time (day and night). You wanna Fuck so bad.

2. A person you only talk to on kik and would never be seen with in person. You kik all the time but when face to face won't even say hello

1. Tiara: Who you kikin Brenda?
Brenda: oh just my Kik buddy he's so cute . I want him bad

2. John: Why won't you talk to me in class?
Briana: Your Just my Kik Buddy , I would never be seen talking to you.

by Urbanfreak444 September 29, 2013

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Hi Buddy

The perfect way to say hi to anyone and everyone, even complete strangers.

*Some guy walking down street with a knife driping with blood*
"Hi buddy!"

by Angry Salamander October 18, 2005

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Pot Buddies

Like 'fuck buddies' but for smokin pot.
friends that are just friends through smoking weed and smoking of any sort.

Evan: "Hey you wanna go out with me?"
Julie: "O I'm sorry, we are just pot buddies, I don't really like you, I like you when you smoke..."

Dude 1: "Look at him, he's all alone, I thought he was popular."
Dude 2: "Nah, he just has a lot of pot buddies making seem like he has all these friends."

by wissstates10 May 23, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nutty Buddy

A delicious chocolate and peanut butter snack of stacked wafers. The correct way to eat said fortress is to pry off each wafer layer one by one, thus extending the time this heaven-sent food is caressing your tastebuds.

John: "My mom packed me a Nutty Buddy for lunch today! FRIGGIN' SWEET!"

Bob: "Dude, you're in high school now."

John: "You mad."

by mattyp1108 June 27, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž