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Term for a white person. White people usually get really upset about being called a "cracker" and claim it's the same as calling a black person a "nigger" but just more socially accepted. It's definitely not the same thing. Did black people enslave white people? Yeah, I didn't think so.

"OMG! Why are black people allowed to call us crackers but we're totally not allowed to call them niggers?! And shouldn't cracker be like the C-word or something?"

"Actually, it's totally okay for anyone who's not white to call a white person a cracker because white people are traditionally racist and there's no possible way to be racist against white people. They can only be racist against us."

by sweetiepiee August 26, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used by niggers who, in turn of using it admit their own ignorance because they think because cracker (the food) are white is why we are called that, but in reality we are called crackers because we whipped the shit out of their ancestors when they were our slaves.

nigger: stupid cracker!
white person: that right nigger I'm going to whoop your ass just like old times

by f lol u lol c lol k you May 19, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


bitch azz white lame nigga not all white peeps are crackers

cracker:bitch azz hoe u aint going to do shit
me:pulled out my 9mm put to his dome

cracker:please dont shoot me (why crying)

by cripnigga614 March 11, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


a cracker is a white boy will red ears and a small penis, white men called black people niggers because there jelous of there big penis, and that they can dance, take there white women from them because we can satsfy them, can rap and make millions, and are stupid incest rapeing there kids in the back of there trailer park with overalls on.

example turn on your local redneck channel, to see this all going down. crackers shooting guns and rapeing there kids

by kookamilla cracka killa February 24, 2011

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A person who deals Crack (Cocaine)

That Cracker just dealed some crack to me and my friends!

by Beefree July 10, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A racist term used by blacks referring to whites.
2) A great way to get your ass kicked if you say it to the wrong long-suffering white guy.
3) A politically correct racist insult encouraged by liberals trolling for votes.

"Dashaun called that old guy with the marine tattoo a cracker; he'll be out of the hospital next week...."

by corvusnidus February 26, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used by a black person, thought derogatory by said black person, but actually has either no effect, or a humorous effect on a white person. The word's origins are disputed. The term either came from the era in which whites had the luxury of slaves, and often "crack"-ed their whips on the unfortunate slaves, therefore, earning whites the term "Cracker". Another thought origin of the term came from the general color of a cracker (food). This term is meant to challenge whites' use of the n-word, but, it does not work to the same extent.

Shut yo ass up, cracker!

by Nebjammer February 2, 2011

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