A very hot duo according to Jelmer.
Kijk de zon die danst op de ramen
'T is nog niet eens zomer geweest
We kunnen overal over praten
Maar soms vertelt de stilte het meest
-Suzan en Freek
Virgin that is diamond on league
Bro , Ene Andrei is the biggest virgin ever, like he's diamond 1
Estas bien meco, estas bien puñetas, estas bien p*ndejo, etc...
hvis du er en adem er du typen der sutter din vens pik og spørg ham efter hvad han laver du er så dum du har finger på fødrene og tær på hænderne en kylling uden hovede er klogerer end dig din adem
person.1, hvorfor ligger ham der nøgen i en busk, han er bare en adem
Chemistry: An alkene with a pumpk alkyl group that consists of 33 Carbon atoms in the shape of a Jack O' Lantern. It is typically prepared through β elimination reactions, in which two atoms on adjacent carbon atoms are removed, resulting in the formation of a double bond. It cannot be prepared from an alcohol as Pumpkin is halal.
Slang: It can be referred to any one who meets the criteria of being 2 of the following (The Man, The Myth, The Legend)
Can I get pumpk-1-ene from pumpkol?
Obviously not, he halal bro, need use pumpkane from the sewers, just like his complementary compounds Calcium Oxide, Yttrium Iodide and Potassium Einsteid.
Wow! What a clutch! Why pumpk-1-ene so cool.
Someone who is tall and skinny, like chopsticks or bamboo stick.
On the surface, he is handsome, kind, friendly, and loving.
Those who know him well enough know he has a savage side.
"Wow, look at him, such a Zong En!"
1. The hackneyed use of the word cliche, which systematically scorns cliches.
2. Overuse of the word cliche
Examples of Ens Cliches:
"I am a man who likes red meat" "That's Cliche"
"would you like this strawberry?" "That is SO Cliche!"
"(any sentence at all)" "that is cliche"
"I wish you would stop using Ens Cliches"