an occurrence in which a person comes very close to buying an item and has memories of a previous experience (such as spending a lot of money for buying shoes that is never used).
Yesterday, I had a near-bought experience with wrong gift for my girlfriend which may indeed result in a near-death experience in the future.
1. something you need to get a job, but you cant get until you have a job.
how do i get job experience?
Hmm... That's weird... What could she possibly have meant by that?
Hym "EXACT same story but 'Serves my God' and, therefore, is allowed to reap the benefits of his own productivity. And you don't have any power here either dumb-shit. How does that not apply to you as well? Neither does God. Your bible is horseshit and hasn't helped anyone and THAT'S CLEARLY WHAT THIS IS. THAT'S the point of the weaponized schizophrenia. Compelling people to turn to God so you aren't expected to help anyone. People are forced to just resign themselves to their fate. AND I SAID THAT EARLIER. I followed the kinetic through-line straight to Jesus and uncovered the source of weaponized schizophrenia. Cooperative non-association and shunning. Regardless of the circumstances. Because if you blame the circumstances, it's God's fault. Nothing can ever be God's fault. It could drown us all in a flood and it still wouldn't be responsible for the act of literal genocide it committed. No. It's that YOU CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO DO the thing I AM FAULTED FOR NOT DOING.
I don't care about the perpetrators against me enough, therefore, they/you are justified in the imposition of schizophrenia. You're all fucking garbage for that. You have to (on some level) know that, right? And what do you prove by doing it? Nothing. I haven't grown or learned anything from this other than why people would walk into a school and murder a bunch of kids. This is it. You ask yourself 'Why wouldn't anyone do something like that!?' This is probably in the ball park of reason number 6-8 (The goldilocks zone of reasons to shoot up a place). Probably not the number 1 reason to do it but it's top 10 at least. Number 1 is probably molestation cover up. Like, if you get molested and they cover it up, you come back years later and *KAKAKAKAKAKAKA!* Maybe I'll do a list later for top 10 reasons to shoot up a school. I actually think genuine insanity is probably lower on the list. Like 9 maybe? Now that I think about it... Yeah... I'm going to do a list."
Iam "Hey, what'd she mean by illegal experiments?"
Hym "Huh? I donno."
A way that schools force you into a "work environment"
But in a "work environment" you are paid money.
Basically legal child labour
School "Hey kid you wanna do work experience?"
Kid "Am I paid for the labour?"
Schools "no? Why do you need money, you're a child"
Kid "isn't that just child labour?"
School "haha no"
Work experience is when your school fucks up and puts you in a job environment for a week it fucking sucks and it's really shitty but they don't give a fuck
Hey kids you want to do work experience
Then fuck you do it you little shits or pay money
Emmersing oneself in a 2 hours of engament with a Benny, where potzness, pseudo hyper-authoretizm and mild annoyance becomes your reality.
Jesus, what a Benny experience this was
When a person doing a social experiment follows a camera man that is walking backwards while explaining the dumb shit that he is going to do.
look at that idiot, he's doing the social experiment walk.