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juju fast

Moving at a very fast speed.
Quick on your toes.

A friend tells you, " Man, your juju fast"
And your like, "What?"
And your friend replies,"Your so fast, ju-ju ju,ju wouldn't even know what you were doing!"

by Amanda Hernandez April 1, 2008

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Fast Fingers

Someone fast to reply, but slow to think about the things just written.

Look at fast fingers emo making stupid comments on Reddit again!.
Donnie Trump could have small hands but he's fast fingers for sure!.

by Kokon June 6, 2019

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hold fast

To stop or slow down

Aye hold fast for a min

by Phillie Phil September 13, 2005

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fast ass

Term for men, of any sexual preference, who fuck to fast

Or indeed it could be used for a lady, wearing a strap-on and going for it in a fast manor.

"I walked into the room and saw Gary's fast ass pounding away on that fat chick from Friday night"

by djsaltynuts October 25, 2013

7๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

fast & furious

A much better movie than Point Break

"Fast & Furious is so much better than Point Break"

by MoistGrapes February 17, 2016

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Fast danced

When an innocent victim has a dance performed on them, only by those who fit the description of the Acronym.

The dance is identified by the dancer getting into a close proximity of the victim and violating their body with the vile moves of the dance, this involves rapid movements of the arms and pumping of the legs.

Victim: Damn, I really regret hitting the dance floor last night...

Friend: Why's that man? Get drunk and pull the old one winged fly?

Victim: Worse! I wasn't paying attention and i got Fast Danced from behind....

Friend: Man, that's rough!

by Fred Gibbon September 1, 2008

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fast food politics

n. The scandals, plots, intrigues, and gossip that often infuse the work environment of a fast food restaurant.

Jose: "That coworker is the fourth chick Jacob has banged in this restaurant. These people have no shame."

Joe: "This is typical fast food politics."

Jose: "Did Hunter just snitch on others and cause a nervous breakdown at this store?"

Joe: "Yeah, he stirred things up by going back and forth between people, and everyone is stewing over this fake drama. He may just want more hours by tattling and throwing others under the bus by exaggerating things. It's typical fast food politics."

by Prankster October 30, 2017

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