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float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

(-muhammed ali) the easily imagined capabilities of a fine looking woman as regards to sex skills

man, i bet dollars to doughnuts (like that phrase??) that bitch could float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

by michael foolsley November 23, 2009

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Whatever floats your waterlogged boat.

Used instead of whatever floats your waterlogged goat, whatever floats your boat, whatever floats your goat, etc etc.
Used by smart people who are trying to prove they're up to date with both science and popular culture. Boats are made so they don't get waterlogged you wannabe college graduates!

Jeorne: Yeah, I wanna kill some australian maps.
Geekni: Whatever floats your waterlogged boat. See what I did there? Coz it's in the water? See? See?
Jeorne: riiiiight...

by come along pond November 27, 2011

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Like a milk float hitting a brick wall

A particularly powerful ejaculation.

"Philip had been away for three weeks shooting lions in the Serengeti, so when he smashed the life out of me upon his return it was like a milk float hitting a brick wall"

"Good heavens, Ma'am"

by Bearded Cridders November 11, 2017

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Whatever floats your boat, tickles your pickle, pops your peach

The phrase used to confirm something when you are moderately indifferent to the actions of a friend who's mental faculties are questionable.

Person 1: So Im gonna ask Grey to marry me today.
Person 2: Didn't you just meet?
Person 1: So?
Person 2: Whatever floats your boat, tickles your pickle, pops your peach

by teenag-er January 1, 2013

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floating teapot

An object that is nebulously and indescribably homosexual.

"Hey, check out my new pair of pink skintight leather pants!"
"Dude, those are such a floating teapot."

by ArtOfMecha May 28, 2021

Creamola foam float

When she says she has a headache so you wait till she is asleep, have a wank over her tits and throw on a soluble asprin and watch it fizz in your jizz!

She said she wasn't feeling very well for any action so i gave her the creamola foam float!!

by curtainwip3r June 19, 2021

floating oysters

leaving a load of sperm in the hot tub after fucking

No way I am getting in this hot tub when Mitch is floating oysters with his girl.

by Rob Gator August 3, 2018