When you pull out from anal and there is steaming leaking diarrhea on your penis. She then turns around and sucks it of your penis almost as if its hot fudge.
Yesterday, I got a large hot fudge.
Based off of a term used to describe those little impulse buy cubes of fudge you can find at convenience stores, "Impulse Fudge" refers to the act of surprise anal intrusion. When having sex with a female vaginally, all one has to do is switch immediately from V to A, maintaining the same thrust without announcing it. Girls usually don't like it. You can preface it with a joke also.
"Knock knock."
"Who's th-"
"Impulse fudge!"
the act of overindulging in Keebler E.L. Fudge Original Butter Sandwich Cookies
Michael S. dipped his hand inside the package and began E.L. Fudging again. Poor Micheal.
When your exam results come through and they're pretty bad. F, U, D, G, E.
"Wow, man, I'm totally unprepared for the outside world now that I got FUDGE on my exams!"
"Getting FUDGE is the tough way of learning that life after school isn't easy-peasy..."
when a woman/man (depending on sexual reference) empty's the contents of there anus onto the male after finishing anal sex.
I got a discount of that hooker yesterday because she fudge canvas'd on my face
When you're fucking a woman in the ass and she shits her self
"I was smashing this chick from behind and she shat her self but I thought fuck it and kept on going and that's how I invented the fudge puddle"
Dude, I was taking a huge ass shit and some girl just crawled under the door and before I knew it.... FUDGE MUFFLE!