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Gacha Heat

A disgusting thing in which an uwu cat and gacha life bad boy makes out

The pink uwu cat that commited Gacha Heat that kept and kissing people got mad over the fact that she was called disgusting

by Jr. G.C. May 28, 2022

Gacha heat

Really disgusting content, commonly made by children, teens, or just degenerate people. Usually display sexual or explicit content using games like Gacha Club or Gacha Life. Most of the time have UwU Cats and Edgy Bad Bois

That's some Gacha heat shit

by ★Soda Pop★ December 28, 2023

Gacha Heat

Lunime are the devs who made the Gacha games. In gacha, you can dress up characters, make studio scenes, earn gems by playing mini games, gacha to buy items and use/change options. Though, kids make youtube videos of the character making sexual content, also known as gacha heat. The game was directly intended for children and teens, and usually kids make these type of content.

Boy: I hate gacha heat, who made it?!

Boy #2: I know right! It sucks..

Girl: I made gacha heat!

Girl #2:me too!

Boy #1 and #2: ...what

by iiSimplyBrxwnie November 22, 2021

Gacha heat

Gacha heat” is something dumb people do, it’s really funny how these children love being annoying! Welp, take some bleach! If you have seen gacha heat, I recommend the bleach scrubbed really good into your EYES.

Person: Hey, did you know Anna does gacha heat..
Other person: WHAT!! aim never talking to her again.

by Daily-Idiot.* March 29, 2022

Gacha heat

Gacha that is 18+ in a perverted manner. Only 13+ allowed to view, says the 10 year olds(or other Gacha heat kids) who make this content. Often shows characters having sex.

Have you seen Gacha heat?

by Miss IDK 🤷‍♀️ July 3, 2022

Gacha heat

Gacha heats are some things that exist, they usually say "aah~" or "daddy~" if female, males may say baby.
Sub species include the uwu cat and bad boy, however a new species called the heat nurse is only found in coonixville.

"The gacha heat plural is usually gacha heats, a heater is the idiot that does heat

by Up4006 January 15, 2022

Gacha Heat

A 18+ thing ruining our Gacha Community 😩
Or kids who seen this and wanted to do it but still don't know what it is ;-;

Heat: Ugh im SOO bored... Wait, I KNOW! I'm just gonna make Gacha Heat for Gacha Police's or other people I hate! >:)
*Makes Gacha Heat but gets hate comments*
Heat: WHY U DO THAT I CRY 😭😡😡😡😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

by Gacha-cuz-why-not? September 8, 2021