An exclamatory phrase used predominately by black people. Used to let people know you've arrived or to shout out to a homie from afar.
Black person: "Hooley-Hoo! We here!"
founded by Robyn the great, a hoo hoo loo loo is a variant word for a woman's vajayjay also known as the vagina.
example 1."you know arf?" "yeah" "they had a massive hoo hoo loo loo!"
example 2. "get in my hoo hoo loo loo"
example 3. " my hoo hoo loo loo is ready for you "
example 4. " boys get boners? im so glad to have a hoohoolooloo"
Having sex in inconvenient locations
Dude, Hanna and I Woo-Hoo'd in a bush last night!
The sims 4 simulation game version of sex. Introduced in the sims 2 in 2004 on the bed, bathtub and even changing booth. In sims 3, when two sims are having sex in the bathtub, they are pretty strong. I wonder what their power level is? Is it by the power of masturbation? See masturbation.
Sims 2:
Man: Touch my ass bitch!
Woman: Yes!!
*pillows jumps, beds shake and plumbob goes high*
Sims 3:
Man: wanna how strong am I?
Woman: yes dude
*bathtub shakes*
Sims 4:
Man: It has been 10 years
Woman: what is your Woo Hoo level?
Man: It's over 9000!
Noise made by brass players in their earlier years, particularly the trombone. May be used to imitate bad playing, along with words like "frack" and "fwah". Usually occurs at the ends of phrases when the player runs out of air.
Honk honk hoooonnnnk, frrrrr-ACK! frrrrr-ACK! Bar-HOOOOOOooooooo