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The industrial city

Not to be confused with the city of industry in the Los Angeles area the industrial city refers to south San Francisco a city located just to the you guessed it south t
Of za
Of San Francisco proper.

The industrial city even has a sign high upon a peak in the San Bruno mtns that promotes itself As such similar to the Hollywood sign in the Los Angeles area

by 4realazitgits April 17, 2021

The industry

A name service and food workers call the service/restaurant industry

When I was in high school I used to work in the industryI quit because of the Karen’s

by Satan’s monkey June 1, 2022

Commune of Comics Industries (CCI)

A fraternal friend group of five chads that produces comics: Prox, Tqr, S00cuk, Marco, Niv.

Bro, have you seen the new comic from the Commune of Comics Industries (CCI)
No, I haven't,
Dude, you're missing out man.

by flameyTN August 17, 2023