Somewhat similar to raw doggin', a raw rack is when you stick a pizza in an oven without any protection such as a pan to cook it on. This typically provides a crispier crust.
Ay bro, you want a pan for this pizza or you raw rackin it??
When a female takes a hit of weed and simultaneously farts,snots,spots, and starts her period.
That buds so good it gave her a raw kraken
When having a dick larger than 9 inches and having fresh orgasm juice on it
I had a raw bottle on Tuesday .
It’s a phrase used to praise someone in an actual form or it can be done sarcastically
Damn, you got the new jordan’s? Buddy raw!
Damn, buddy raw with them garbage ass payless shoes
A Dangerous Man Who Gritz to these vye dymesss
Aye Raw Jhit u fucked That Vye dyme kidd
Past tense for raw snag.
Ash raw snagged us but his nuts were so small we didn't even notice.
When you remove every individual kernel from a cob of corn and stick them in someone's ass one by one. Afterwards, insert the "raw cob" in the person's ass to complete the sex act.
Peter enjoys raw cobbing as it is his kink.