Source Code

keep it hood

refusing circumcision

to keep up family tradition billy had to keep it hood

by Sgt. Raptor March 1, 2009

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keep it vegan

keep it natural, healthy, cool, awesome, pure, not superficial.

Use in replace of keeping it real

"Keep it vegan!"
-"So my boyfriend and I were getting really hot and heavy and then..."
-"Woah there...keep it vegan! My little sister is in the room!"
-"Oh sorry!"

-"Do you like my portfolio?"
-"Hell yeah! you kept it vegan!"

by lialiabobiabanana January 2, 2010

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Keeping it realer

Someone who can really "keep it real" See: Keeping it realSome people can just keep it realer than others.

(While getting the shit beatin outa her) What Tynesia didn't know was that all of these women were in serving consecutive life sentences...Obviously they were "Keeping it Realer."

by Big PBARLOW March 16, 2004

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keeping it real

Something that people claim to do when they supposedly want to speak their mind. Used often on the Internet by people who are about as quiet as a church mouse in real life.

Now, on the other hand, there are people who thinking that keeping it real is synonymous with being an asshole or bitch. They say that most people can't handle such realness, and usually get offended when you "keep it real" by calling them such. All in all, most people just don't wanna deal with such childishness, contrary to what they tell you.

1. You talk trash to me in the chat, and I'll put a virus on your ass! I'm just keeping it real! r0xx0rs! w00t! l33t!11! Cyber-thuggin' baby!!1

2. You're not on my level. I'm just keeping it real.
-No, you're being a bitch. Now I'M keeping it real!

by The Producer June 4, 2007

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keep the equilibrium

Usually appears on YouTube videos (in the annotations) or wherever both "liking" and "disliking" is possible.
A request from the author to keep the number of likes and dislikes even. Possibly a Fuck You! to the Like System.

l Keep the equilibrium, bitches! l

475 Likes 501 Dislikes

"I said KEEP IT."

556 Likes 556 Dislikes

by LovetteCher August 7, 2011

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keep it christian

Using an euphemism so that you don't violate the 3rd commandment and 7734026.

Examples: heck, frick

James: heck off!
Jamie: why did you say that
James: I need to keep it christian.

by Periclod May 27, 2018

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Keep the Reason!

Keep the Reason is the motto of the atheist, rationalist, and Reasonist. Like the theist will say, "Keep the Faith!" the Reasonist says, "Keep the Reason!" because reason is how we understand the world and our universe.

Theist: Hey, keep the faith, friend.
Reasonist: Thanks, but I'd rather Keep the Reason!

by Keep The Reason January 5, 2012

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