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Key Peninsula

The Key Peninsula is located between Gig Harbor and Bremerton, Washington, It is very near to Tacoma, Washington as well. The Key Peninsula is otherwise known as the "KP". It is a low-income area where high school kids run the show. Parties, fighting, and other crazy stuff happens frequently. Known for high juvenile crime rates, meth, gang related activities, and just being a scary place. Kids there hate Gig Harbor people and would curse them with there dying breath. Watch out for the "KP Crew", or "KP Killaz". If you wind up in the KP you have taken a very wrong turn.

Friend 1: Hey man, what are you doin' tonight bro?

Friend 2: Probably gonna go represent the Key Peninsula and get drunk and fight some Gig Harbor kids and break the law or something.

Friend 1: Cool, give me call when it goes down.

by Mac\ June 1, 2007

56๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

alicia keys

Best singer in the entire world! Lives to do what she loves best which is singing her heart out

Friend to me: hey did you hear alicia keys new song no one? I heard she has an album out real soon.
Me to friend: No one is an amazing song and the "As I Am" Album is out November 13th!

by AKmusiclover November 10, 2007

88๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Key

John Key is the current PM of New Zealand. He was voted in to this position by the New Zealand public solely because he has a slightly more dignified appearance and manner than the previous PM, Comrade Helen.
Although he comes across as a soft, modern man, he recently demonstrated that he is, in fact, a hard man, and is prepared to give all in service of his country. He demonstrated this by breaking his right arm in two places at a function, then carrying on as if nothing happened. He then shook the hands of 120 touch rugby players at another function before seeking medical help. Because of this, the phrase "to do a John Key" now refers to a seemingly uncharacteristic act of bravery and resolve.

Were John Campbell to do something remotely masculine, he could be said to 'have done a John Key'.

by HB1459 January 26, 2009

130๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

Visual Kei

Visual Kei is a sub-genre of Japanese Music that focuses on self-expression, most Visual Kei, bands do not sound the same, as that statement could be used for Rap as well, but Rap fan will argue that it takes an ear, same applies to Visual Kei. The Key of Visual Kei is too express a message and bring a twist on it. Not all of VK fans are female and only care about looks. The GazettE, one particular VK band has amazingly metaphorical lyrics (if translated). But like all band VK bands talk about a multitude of different themes and should not be dissed as such. Also the 'cross-dressing' comes from their culture which performed (and still does) Kabuki, a form of theatre where all actors are male, and so if the bands theme requires females, cross-dressing occurs. An example of this is Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- whose theme revolves around two waring noble clan set in pre-revolutionary France, with a style similar to speed-metal.

Visual Kei is just another form of music which doesn't want to conform to popular music, like metal

by The GazettE Analyst March 19, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

low key

OHIO definitions:
(lo - Kee)

1.An Introductory phrase, to advise the listener that the following statement is between you and he ONLY.

2. Introductory Phrase used to advised the listener to look at the subject matter in a differnt way.

1.low key dog, I don't even trust him.

2.Yeah that sound cool, but low key, we could do it like this.

by APOLLOSTEES May 20, 2005

1250๐Ÿ‘ 923๐Ÿ‘Ž

scroll and key

Yale College Secret Society founded in mid-19th century by Yale undergraduates who were not offered membership in Skull and Bones. Since that founding, it has grown into a large and successful organization, possessing a financial endowment even greater than that of Skull and Bones.

Housed in a persian-style "tomb" on the Yale campus at the corner of Wall and College Streets, it is the secret society closest to the office of Yale's President.

Although it has an alumni list (i.e. Dean Acheson, Calvin Trillin) equal to that of Bones, Scroll and Key remains under the radar of scholars and conspiracy theorists alike.

Within Scroll and Key, as with all secret societies, is a rich history of undergraduate life as it has evolved over the past 200 years. These archives are available only to members.

Scott was tapped by Bones, but decided on the more anonymous Scroll and Key instead.

by Kentonbrown_99 June 6, 2006

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key fob

A word used to describe an attatchment to a keyring that connects more keyrings. Can be made of rope, twine, but usually cheap chain. Some have multiple removable attatchment points and require a key to remove. Makes absolutely no reference to fob.

Bob the sanitation worker bought a key fob because he thought it looked nifty and didn't mind his keys weighing three pounds.

by DJ Mac January 7, 2004

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