Popularized by Daniel Ragančík, when playing Dota 2 (MOBA), any enemy hero kills are considered to be "ragancik"-like if you are playing an over-fed position one (1) hero - such as Anti-Mage, Spectre or Juggernaut, while spawn-camping their underfarmed heroes at the fountain behind their throne. These kills don't contribute to the outcome of the game at all, rather than just sooth your broken ego.
"Look, he's farming "ragancik" kills with Divine Rapiers at their fountain. What a fucking loser."
Murderous alter-ego of a well-known tech mogul.
Kill Gates won't stop killing until The Final Solution is realized.
Decieving the enemy by killing ones ally.
Do you remember the time Jon Snow 'Snape-killing' Qhorin Half-Hand?
Killing someone (usually in a book or movie) to deceive your dark overlord that you are they're ultimate agent.
damn he just keeps snape-killing everyone
one of the greatest ppl i know :) i love him so very much and hope everything goes well for him in the future oh yeah and he is the best geometry dash player i know >:D one of my favourite person ever mwa mwa mwa
me: wanna know who my fav person is
random person: sure
me: kill/evan he is the coolest around :)
A hole, usually in a wall, which is used for the act of shoving a gun through and waiting patiently for a passerby to come to his and or her ultimate demise
Man, I swear I never thought I'd get the chance to see someone walk past a kill hole