“I’m so ill” this is one of the many quotes of this strange creature who beat Troy at fifa. He likes to remind everyone how unwell he is and that it is cold. He’s a small little man and is always late.
Ps not my friend it’s not a inside joke
You know Alex he’s such a ‘will le grange’
Haikyuu/ Pandora Hearts Fan. Is mostly used for a female person who likes memes and anime at the same time. Just give her a manga and she will read it in 1 hour. Never ever try to wake her up or she will punch you in the face and fall asleep again...
And also just ignore her if she says her drawings are bad. They are not. Not at all. And always be ready to hear a concert. Why? Because she plays keyboard. So always free concerts for you!! Isn't that great?
She is really an introverted person and but with friends she will talk a lot! Or you can just send her hundreds of voice messages and she will listen to it. Maybe or maybe not. Depends.
2D > 3D, that's her favourite lifestyle. And sometimes she can sneak like a ninja. You won't see her coming. You won't notice her. But there she is!!
Oh and did someone say there is a person with "dead fish eyes"?? Just phone Jia Le and she will have a crush on that person.
Also it's normal to get weird messages about Witcher 2 at 1:00 a.m. And if you need a new anime to watch, just phone her again!!
And if Jia Le is sad then just give her a cookie or something else to eat and she will be happy again. (Does not always work...)
She hates maths but is really interested in psychology, even though she hates to learn every single word. She also hates mineral water. And wind. And death. And balls throwing at her. And partys.
So all in all she will be a good friend if you just let her watch her anime!!
I just made a Jia Le move... 24 hours of my life is gone now. But I finished 3 anime!!! Deal with it.
This is was a quote from home alone when a family member of Kevin called him incompetent in French. Another example of this is Jack Gadbois, this is a short kid who is very incompetent and some call him “les incompétents”
Jack is what the French call “les incompétents”
Lesbian version of the Gaydar.
I didn't realise Tiffany was gay. My Les Res must be broken.
John Doe: Hey, do you want to go to the restaurant?
Fishy Doe: Can we go to Le Merde?
John Doe: Yeah, sure
also michelle. has crazy red hair and likes talking about his experiences
Have you met Minh Le yet? He's quite a character.
-what a table tennis player says after destroying an opponent which means good fucking shot
-when added with a consecutive cho, the word means another good fucking shot