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The physical stance and motions one assumes when searching for his or her Uber car. May include craning neck, talking frantically on the phone, or a look of desperation in the eye. Sometimes followed by shoulders slumped in defeat and arm raised to just hail a regular taxi.

It's a cold night to be uber-necking...I hope Tom finds his car soon.

by Polka Dottie April 15, 2015

Thrill neck

Thrill neck - the act of ones self posing or making an instagram status purely for likes. Example taking a selfie in the mirror of ones “gains” with a completely irrelevant caption like “dis weather tho”. Thrill necks are plentiful within modern day society and should be shamed upon.

See Colin over there? “Yea he is such a thrill neck aye” look at him posing in the mirror.

by Azwaye-ghandi December 30, 2019

Grandad Neck

An old fashioned shirt, for men, without the collar, a t-shirt with buttons, particularly popular in great Britian (July 2009) amongst men, teen and pre-teen boys.

Wow, Nice grandad neck Tom

by Oven Glove Avenger July 23, 2009

Neck Rectum

The result of a Laryngectomy, the procedure of putting a hole in one's throat because they smoked too much and got cancer. Too bad you smoked, because now you have a butt hole right on your throat for everyone to see. A Neck Rectum.

Rolando Martinez (throat guy): I was 29 when i got throat cancer from smoking cigarettes. I almost died. Now there is a permanent Neck Rectum in my throat. Nothing will ever be the same again. Not even the simple things.

by GoldenCoastBoyyy March 18, 2010

Thug Neck

The Cross between a Redneck and a Thug.
A person of country stature with a really bad attitude - mostly because they were moved from grassy knolls to the ghetto

Columbus Ohio is over run by thug necks - should I drive a tractor or steal it?

by Chef Jason July 19, 2010

True neck

someone that has exceeded all the qualifications of being a redneck

That guy with duct tape for a window is a true neck.

by true neck May 12, 2010

Hairy Neck

A long, necked hairy man who teenage girls find attractive.

OMG Britney a hairy neck is coming our way!! Get his number!

by Molly Morris September 7, 2019