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a food commonly eaten by chines and is really delicious

dam long shlong that was a great dog

by Tatum nepir69666 June 4, 2019

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your new god

Example: dog is god

by ooaooaoaoaoao June 23, 2018

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An animal that often is used as a pet that likes farting in your face when you sleep and pooping in your new flowers.

Anoying neibour: Who pooped on my lawn again!
Me: Oh yeah ๐Ÿ˜ it was my dog

by Thecocoster January 7, 2022

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a dog goes "woof"

by daddylonglegs75 August 26, 2017

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Dogs are buffoons

by Blurryface_fan December 26, 2022

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Buffoonish animal with legs

Her buffoon dog ate the couch again, Her buffoon dog bit me, her buffoon dog ran away.

by Blurryface_fan December 26, 2022

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The best friend of every human, who always ends up in a beautiful farm far away, with large fields to run. Uh, and it also eats everything. Like EVERY thing. Last week he ate the half of my hangs.

George : Hey little Sam ? What are you looking for ?

Little Sam : My dog...

George : Oh, I think he's gone... Sorry. But he went in a beautiful farm !

Little Sam : Yeah? Where?

George : Uh... Far away.

Little Sam : Isn't it the same farm where went my cat?

George : Yes.

Little Sam : And my fish?

George : Yes...

Little Sam : And my diplodocus?

George : Also yeah...

Little Sam : And mom?

by Hi! I'm me. April 28, 2021

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