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people's eyebrow

A threat indicated by the raising of one eyebrow while lowering the other, tilting the head, and staring into the eyes of an opponent. Made famous by Dwayne Johnson, better known as "The Rock".

Indicates that the targeted opponent needs to know his/her role and shut his/her mouth.

(People's Eyebrow given) "The Rock says KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUTCHUR MOUTH"

by Stonewall March 3, 2007

464๐Ÿ‘ 192๐Ÿ‘Ž

You People

A term to refer to a multiple group of people regardless of race.

Guy 1: What is wrong with you people!
Guy 2: You people!? What do you mean "you people!?" Are you racist!?
Guy 1: I'm talking about your danged family not your danged race, you buffoon!
Guy 2: Coon?! Did you just call me a coon!?

by That'sNotRacistYouBuffoon December 23, 2009

800๐Ÿ‘ 342๐Ÿ‘Ž

People Greeter

A poor miserable soul who's life is usually a total mess, not because they are extremely unattractive, unheathly, soiled, and smell like feces, but because of the simple fact that the only job they could get is sitting at the entrance of wal-mart stumbling around scaring small children into taking stickers. These people greeters usually have no more than 4 teeth total and weigh more than the average refrigerator.

"Joe, are you sure we should go to wal-mart? We have to take the kids with us and last time the people greeter drooled on them and gave them herpes."

by MrNiceGuy October 11, 2005

87๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Old People

Usaully whating tea. In many cases they are yelling at kids from there front porch to pull there pants up. Old People can talk for weeks about the "Old Days" and most important the Great Depression. Old People are like babies they eat, sleep, and poop. Also they smell AWFUL

Whats that smell? It smells like.....OLD PEOPLE, RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

by Old Person April 1, 2010

103๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat People

People who are rejected in society cause their fat and stuff.
Commonly found:
1) Falling off bridges.
2) Getting pushed off bridges.
3) Breaking bridges and therefor falling into the water.
4) The Jerry Springer show

Skinny person 1: Yo dude did you see those Fat People fall into the water!
Skinny person 2: Yeah I heard there was a flood in Paris!
*Both of them laugh*
Fat guy from Paris: Latz' nowt fahny.
*Both skinny people push him into a bridge*

by NFtheAwesomeGuy April 9, 2009

182๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat People

...need sex just like normal people too...

They just have to pay for it.

i feel sorry for fat people

by ssssasaasss September 28, 2007

410๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž

good peoples

A) Someone who deep down inside has a good heart, but probably won't have your back in a time of crisis.

B) Someone whose ignorance you look past based on the length of time you've know that person.

Mike's good peoples but if a brawl breaks out here he won't fight for you.

Person A: Mike still thinks Saddam Hussein was responsible
for 9/11, but I've known him since high-school.
He's good peoples.

Person B: (shaking his head) I hear ya.

by Kingston Xaviar August 23, 2006

324๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž