Mail sent to an address by the government to ask for confirmation that the resident still lives there; if the resident does not respond, e.g., because s/he mistakes it for junk mail, the state uses non-response as its excuse to purge the voter from its rolls
The (in)accuracy of non-response to assess residency can be corroborated by comparing purged name-address pairs with recent USPS and Amazon shipments.
I never returned that poisoned postcard, which explains why I had to fill out a provisional ballot. I wonder if it was counted.
Misinformation to see if a person is trustworthy or not.
I suspected Dan of being a Rat Bastard so I fed him poisonous cheese about Bob and it circulated in five minutes.
δηλητήριο poison gang is coming
δηλητήριο is here.
δηλητήριο means poison gang
A sex act involving a prostitute sticking their tongue up a man's butt; analingus.
Tim: I saw an ad for a hooked under my door. I called the number, and they sent a hooker to my hotel to give me a poison dragon.
A gentleman’s throbber which, when excited, emits a sour, curdled, vinegar like load with the capacity to poison its recipient (if any). Always point away away from face.
Ste presented Shaun with his poisoned phallus whilst Trev willingly watched on.
when an attacker redirects legit traffic from a DNS Server that is specified to go to a designated Web Server and redirects to a Malicious Webservers
The state of body shut down one goes through after excess studying. Usually happens to college students during finals week. Symptoms include problems communicating to others, ability to stay away, and physical exhaustion.
Damn Billy got intellectual poisoning after preparing for the physics final