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To attach, whether by tying down or other means, one object to another in order to increase the object's function and/or mobility.

This term's origins can be traced back to World War II and the use of Jerry cans by American troops.

Jerry cans were attached to GI "jeeps" using straps, tie downs and/or other improvised means; hence the term "Jerry-rig(ged)".

"Use the bungee cord to Jerry-rig this thing to that other thing and let's get out of here!"

by languagequeer October 2, 2018


A 4x4 vehicle that has been modified and has gone offroad before

Wow mate is that your new car that is a rig

Yeah mate never been bogged

by Navaradriver69 May 24, 2022


In Texas, a “rig” is a word to describe a huge truck.

Ex: “oh my gosh, look at that rig over there”
Yeah, I bet he’s got money!”

by Keke sims January 4, 2019


Describing something as awesome, badass.

Dude, have you seen these chubbies?

Yeah man they're rig as fuck.

by Hackwoken May 20, 2018


Describing something as awesome; badass.

Me: Hey Matt remember those chubbies that Carlos was wearing?

Matt: Yeah, they were pretty rig.

by Hackwoken June 5, 2018


A personal computer assembled from individual components.

I really need to upgrade my rig, but PC parts are so darn expensive.

by pcefulparbear March 31, 2022


To die at the very moment you are about to finish a level on ADoFaI.

I played 2-X and got rigged twice.

by AdinbutimnotAdinimQuinn August 30, 2023