A short term for script kiddies, mostly used to debscribe a specific type of ROBLOX player. That exploit and uses free online script they founds online. They also takes credit of the script that they uses, claiming it's them.
That skid steal all my credits!
That skid think he's above everyone.
Skids usually take credits from me when ever I release my script.
Being romantic in a caravan park
"Did you ever used to skid as a child. I used to love it.": William Mckenzie
Script Kiddie who can’t code and poses as a hacker to fit in usually asks for programs from real hackers and has no real knowledge Srhoe,5rhoe,Srh0e,K9tec,lulzsec,pirooted
Hey how do I run this code?
What are you trying to run?
Bro you said you can code you skid.
Script kiddie who begs for programs and can’t code or
Kevin Roberts of Yonkers NY/New Rochelle
Social: Srhoe,Srh0e,5rhoe,pirooted,K9tec
Hey how do i run this code?
Bro you said you can code you skid.
An individual that is referred to as a script kiddie, skiddie, kiddie, or skid is an unskilled individual that uses scripts or programs developed by others for malicious purposes.
skid = stupid kid
Only used for the worst stupid children you find online and rarely in real life.
Guy 1: shut up skid
Guy 2: what the hell does that mean
Guy 1: see, thats exactly why you are a skid
Guy 1: you know nothing
Guy 1: skid.