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A sneaky ballbag

A sunroof baby with sausage fingers and mummy issues that will cut your grass for a tenner

Look at him holding a strimmer screaming at his mother.... ah mate he’s a sneaky Ballbag

by Da big B4D wolf May 1, 2019

sneaky poop

1. A trip to the bathroom executed, typically by a female, in an extremely secretive fashion.

Verb (used with object)
2. To poop without being detected by that of the other sex.

Ever since I caught my girlfriend dropping a sneaky poop it's taken our relationship to another level.

by GirlzDontPoop March 2, 2015

Sneaky mook

where if someone were to sneak cut or know as tobacco in your bowl this is known as (sneaky mook)

Tyler- Wanna pack me a bowl
Qb- Yee

Tyler- Don't sneaky mook me.

by Timmytony April 12, 2022

Sneaky Raccoon

When you’re hitting a girl from the back and Insert your two index fingers into her butthole and as she turns around to see what you’re doing, you make a perfect poop circle around her eyes.

I gave Rebecca that Sneaky Raccoon, she might press charges.

by Bigdaddyavez November 30, 2019

Sneaky whale

The art of sneaking an obese female into your friends house/apartment, without them knowing

Friend 1: me and Steven are going to

the club tonight

Friend 2: oh man I don’t know about Steven

Friend 1: Why?

Friend 2: every time we go out, he always try to pull a sneaky whale at the end of the night, in my apartment.

by Grifmiester November 27, 2019

Sneaky VR

On the VR you put the Jurassic park rollercoaster on and let your girl wear the VR on as she approaches the t-rex the guy says "RAWWW" then rams it in the asshole then making the girl scream with pleasure

Sneaky VR: girl wears VR and u pleasure her while she waers it

The guy:Try this sick dinosaur VR rollercoaster it scard the shit out of me.
The girl: ok give it to me ect,ect

by ROYALNAVYCK July 10, 2019

Sneaky Sara

When someone gets addicted to weed and start eating actual grass and getting down on all fours mooing thinking their a actual cow.

Man someone needs to tell sneaky Sara she’s not a freakin cow!

by Thatfirecracker07 April 15, 2020