An action in which the outcome of a situation could've been disasterous but ended up being badass. Can also be used as a verb.
Man, I almost hit that dog on the road but ended up fish snitching the neighbors kid instead!
Look at that douchebag chatting up those high shool girls. He's up to some fish snitchery.
The act of telling on somebody before really getting the facts right. The first person breaking his or her ass to tell on somebody commiting an illegal act. Usual for little to no gain at all. Telling just to be telling on somebody.
Damn the fool speed snitched on the homie nutcase. Homie just barely pulled the robbery and he already locked up.
He is a Ugandan who hopped to workout for peace at a relatively young age. He is a nurse studying at KYETUME SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY. He condemns corruption during health care delivery.
If you ask a patient for money, am going to inform ' Richard snitch nark.
The pod inside an institution known for housing the snitch population
Why is Jeff in the snitch pod... shit must not be right.... smh.
the best gamer and youtuber ever.
guy 1: hey you heard of the bazo clan? guy 2: yea and even the best one bazo snitch