A superb cartoon series about Sonic the Hedgehog, his friends and rivals. Due to Chaos Control they are transported from Mobius to a planet which seems like today's Earth but not quite. Anyway, Sonic now attempts to recollect the missing 7 pieces of the Master Emerald to use the Chaos Control to return home while his archenemy, Dr.Eggman aka Ivo Robotnik, wants the pieces to aid him in his endeavour to take over the world.
Knuckles the Echidna, Tails and other characters such as Amy the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, a boy Chris who is Sonic's friend, etc. are present in the show. Currently the 3rd season is being filmed and shown in Japan, the 2nd season shown in USA. Besides, it is shown in Europe, Russia (the first season), Australia and perhaps some other countries, on Fox Kids, Jetix or whatever. Japanese version are original and generally more qualitative; however, American version is not so bad and it's easy to understand ;)
Movin’ at the speed of sound
Quickest hedgehog around
Got ourselves a situation
Stuck in a new location
Without any explanation
No talk of relaxation
Sonic – is on the run
Sonic – he’s number one
Sonic – he’s coming next
So watch out for Sonic X
Gotta go faster, gotta go fast
Gotta go faster, faster, faster, faster
Sonic X
54👍 140👎
One of the most coolest game on the Sega Genesis. The fastest hedgehog out there, is blue. Now, Sonic is one of the biggest sell outs now, none of the games are completely how they used to be, though the same reason (Kind of like Mario games). Used to have an old cartoon show but now has a new show on Fox (Forget what the morning block is called), new show = shit, new games = shit.
Sonic was cool, but now he's not.
26👍 67👎
A faker :) Sonic is Shadow The Hedgehog fake.
As Shadow would say, "Faker!" =D
Sonic the Hedgehog is such a faker~
10👍 21👎
A slapshot that travels at or above the speed of sound. Accompanied by an explosive sound, and on most occasions, a goal.
Mitch wound up and unleashed his sonic boom on the hopeless goaltender.
10👍 22👎
Sonic gaming is just sonic with a tts voice unfunny jokes and an addiction to perishing his friends
2👍 2👎
When you Sonic Blastoff so hard into Rainbow's ass that both of you shoot off into a Double Rainboom.
Basically fucking the rainbow out of her.
Wow, when I saw that Sonic Raingasm, I was slightly turned on.
2👍 2👎
A SEGA Genesis game that is literally on almost every platform you can imagine with a few exceptions like the Xbox One, PS4, and SEGA Dreamcast, being a few I can remember
Sonic the Hedgehog is more than a virus. It's basically the body of water on Earth. It's that fucking common to find on your gaming system, even for digital download
3👍 2👎