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Bro Talk

bro talk is a chat among friends at a social event that involves very important information, some examples include:

Where someone plans to spend the night
Where more brew is at
How someone is getting home
What someone is doing for the rest of the day
Which babes are lookin fine or not
How gay someone is being
How to get invited over to someones house that you're not invited to
And in general pretty much anything

an example of bro talk:
Bro 1: DUde she is lookin finnne tonight.
Bro 2: dude tap it.

by Blanchet 09' October 3, 2007

94๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derivation: Bitch Talking

n. A conversation that a guy has with a girl who he is trying to impress.

v. Conversing in a manner that a guy would never want any of his friends to hear for fear of being chastized.

John to Jane: "Baby, even though I just saw you an hour ago, I already miss you. I cannot wait to look into your beautiful blue eyes again . . . Wanna come over later and snuggle?"

John's friend Bill: "I heard John B-Talking earlier . . . Wow, what a pussy!!"

by Mueller & Gep November 14, 2005

34๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man talk

1. Talking between two male friends that would normally be classified as TMI.

Man talk can include (But is not limited to) penis size, intimate feelings/secrets, or phoebias/childhood.

2. Stuff men like.

This includes (but is not limtied to) tits, women, sex, cars, money, explosions, guns, and other manly memorabelia.

Jacob: I'm 17.5cm... down there.
Andrew: Really? I'm 16.5cm.
Jacob: This isn't awkward or strange at all, because we are good friends and have known each other for a good amount of time and will not lose respect for one another.
Andrew: This was totally a moment of Man Talk.

by BickerWasket October 26, 2009

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Big Talk

Grandiose ideas or vacuous threats not acted upon.

1.)He's not kicking anyone's ass, he's all Big Talk.

by FFMrebirth July 29, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Train Talk

Quite possibly the best newsletter with information on topics such as:

The latest parties.
Who's vomited last.
Stupid shit that happens on the train.
Lactose Intolleration and the foods which aggravate the situation.
Marcia Hines.
Jokes, quotes, polls, astrology and much much more!

Chris: "Hey Daz, is the latest issue of Train Talk coming out soon or what?!"

Daz: "Yeah man! We got more polls on Marcia Hines!"

Chris: "Fuck..."

by TTCrew May 15, 2008

43๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reddit talk

type of slang used by soyboy redditors. It often spills into other websites, but is usually frowned upon. Redditor often use it when talking about their morbidly obese cats (or as they like to call them "chonkers"). It mainly consists of the words Chonker, Friendo, updoots, heckin', ect.

Jimbo: "howdy friendos! Met my cat Keanu! Isn't he such a heckin chonker?
Chad: "why are you using reddit talk? This isn't reddit dweeb"

by M1126_Stryker July 1, 2020

Casey talk

Nonsensical statements. From the Casey Anthony trial. These include irrational statements as well as hallucination-like remarks about things that do not exist.

The boy was so interested in getting out of trouble that he tried to Casey talk his way out of it.

by vanreign June 1, 2011