When your boyfriend shoves a tater in your ass. Then fucks you in ass, making mash taters. Then you shit it on a plate and eat it.
I had my boyfriend preform a grazt-tater at my daughter's wedding I wasn't invited to.
*present continuous form of “Tater”*
Definition: The ongoing journey of empowerment, characterized by relentless encouragement and support, fostering growth, resilience, and unyielding determination.
His continuous tatering of his team members cultivated an environment of excellence and achievement.
The art of getting out of work or messing something up beyond recognition.
Man you’ve been tatering that all day.
When you’re beyond high you’re on a different plain of existence.
Guy 1: Bro he is baked tatered right now after those dabs.
Man 2: I know right!
A derogatory term for Irish folk. Meaning one who loves and longs for potatoes. (Ireland Potato Famine)
Quit drinkin' yer Guinness and get over ye Tater Craver
Stop fucking throwing terd taters in the hows trash and wtf
Go sit on a potato - i.e. Go fuck yourself.
"Top of the mornin' to you."
"Go sit on a tater."