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Internet Cancer

What you get when you watch Mattyb, Jacob Satourious, or Allah hu Akbar compilations on YouTube...

Mom I cant go to school because I watched an hour of leafy last night and contracted a serious case of internet cancer.

by Dick Faggot 101 March 5, 2016

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Swag Cancer

An abnormal growth of swag cells. Often caused by saggin'.

Also refers to someone without swag that thinks they do.

1)I have so much swag some people declare that i must have swag cancer.

2)yo, these boys better be careful before they get swag cancer!

by Swaggologist January 10, 2011

17👍 6👎

cancer of the junk

Testicular cancer.

"When Tom's doctor told him that he had cancer of the junk, he decided to start treatment right away".

by Mad Man 367 April 13, 2015

cancer soup

Noun- a chowder made of the following ingredients-
2 cups chlamydia sacks
1 fluid oz. whale semen
1/2 pack Marlboro cigarettes
3 fetuses, chopped
4 raw eggs
A dash of diarrhea
4 doses of crab wax
2 tbsp Jew tears
Season to taste
Bring to a simmer and enjoy! Serves 4 people

I went to this awesome café a week ago and they had cancer soup that is to die for!!1

by Qwayne Raggs April 26, 2015

Cancerous Cat

A cancerous cat is a cat who had sex with a human too many times that it got genital cancer.

My fucking cat is cancerous because it fucked my cousin 5 times. Damn I have a cancerous cat.

by Fidget spinner licker April 10, 2019

Cancer Gay

Someone who has a right nut prolapse. That’s bound to burst anytime soon.

Hey, you see that Cancer Gay on your right ball?

by A_Gamer-Boii December 16, 2018

Cancer Ribbon

The spot on a basketball court, just inside half court, where one can only knock down unconscious 3's.

Did you see Holloway from Xavier knockin down 3's from the cancer ribbon against Kansas State in the Sweet Sixteen? Dat nigga was outta his mind

by J and B - UPI crew March 26, 2010