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Arab funny

A variation of shitposting, it uses dead memes, old emojis, arab words and confusing sound effects to portray randomness.

It's formula is: bad quality background video-weird sounds- overlapping images that are emojis or bad 3d renderings that you would see in a 2005 blogspot - cartoonish sound effects - mentioning haram 20 times and edgy humor.

I have to remind you that it's just specialized shitpost, so if you dislike the "random=funny" humor, then this is not your slice of cake.

And like every type of shitpost, it loses the funny in 5 minutes whether you like it or not.

Person 1: "have you ever visited r/arabfunny"
Person 2: "what is that?"
Person 1 *shows subreddit full of dead memes*
Person 2: *grimacing while looking at arab funny "I sometimes wonder how are we still friends"

by GorgeousAndy March 2, 2021

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funny bitch

A bitch who is funny

Oh she a funny bitch

by II December 9, 2017

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funny boner

when you laugh so hard you say you have a funny boner

I love you +Extremely Decent! You make me laugh so hard! I have a funny boner! :-D

by discolust May 4, 2015

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Funny Moments

Blonde Moments In My Life

Funny Moments : 1) Pulled a Door That Said Push. 2) Walked Into Glass French Doors. 3) Opened A Crisp Packet Upside Down 4) Got A Bowl In Stead Of A Cup 5) Opened The Bedroom Window To Choose What To Wear . 6)Brushed My Teeth With Hair Gel. 7)Put My Left Shoe On My Right Foot 8) My Friend Said "iv Lost a Few Pounds My Mams Going to Go Mad" And I Said "How Much Money Did She Give You ?" She Was In Hysterics I thought She Meant Money She Meant Pounds as In Weight.

by Shannon1243 December 31, 2011

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The Funny Friend

The hilarious one in every group that will stay single forever because is scared of commitment, they'll laugh their way through all life's worries! ...And cry in private...

"I'm the boring friend, Sam is the wild friend and tommy is the funny friend"

by Perfectandweknowit_ December 24, 2021

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funni man

A man ho dosent know what funny means. or type as a incorrect name

funni man23 is not funny and uncorectectely said

by mata69 February 16, 2021

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funny as fuck

same as the defination at the top of the page

Dude, Chris is funny as fuck!!!!!!

by Anonymous March 6, 2003

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