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thick and pumped

Rock solid and ready to take on a guy

I was thick and pumped pulling up to prom.

by Adrian Kukaj April 24, 2023

Shotty pump

Any type of pump shotgun

*buddy gets shot by a shot gun*
Oh shit he clapped buddy up with a shotty pump

by Pap_So_Savage July 22, 2018

Shaan Pump

Shaan Pump is a fictional rapper created by Shaan Sibal in 8D3 in Mrs. Johnson's class in Canada. Shaan Pump is a really trash rapper and calls all his teachers his besties. He goes to the studio to record tracks produced by 21 Hunter and InderBoomin.

Shaan Pump is the worst rapper in history.

by Mr.SwagMan from Brampton January 29, 2018

pump slut

An employee to many pumping companies and loyal to none

I'm just a pump slut mate

by Brell concrete pumping Mackay July 25, 2017

piggy pump

A tubular object that goes into a fatass's ass that sucks the ass out of the ass, leaving a flat ass.

I can't believe how much weight I lost with this piggy pump!

by Urban dickionary February 19, 2018

Pump Turner

The phrase 'Pump Turner' refers to an annoying often anonymous individual that turns the head on your bicycle pump's head.

ARGH! Which Pump Turner turned my pump!?

by The Original Pump Turner November 3, 2010


An urban slang used to replace shotgun , vinchester , etc.
Became a popular word in a popular game called "Fortnite" , battle royale copy of a copy of a copy.

1. Last match i got 5 kills ONLY from a pump-shotty!
2 No fair! He killed me with the pump-shotty!

by Jesus with a Shotgun May 13, 2018