Source Code


Before Anything Else

You:She is my bae.

by Γ₯utisti September 22, 2015

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What you call someone when you really love them

Love you bae

by AdamHenderson101 April 8, 2016

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Definition 1, the original meaning: Short for baby as in what a guy calls his girlfriend
Definition 2, what it is turning into from frequent misuse: used to describe something that is good, cool, or awesome. Often used this way by queers who play Call of Duty on Xbox to describe a gun. These are the same kinds of kids who would say "That gun is so sexy, dude!"

1. "Hey bae, how's it going?" a guy says to his girlfriend
2. "That class is bae" a 6th grade says to his friends

by Griffith_of_the_Hawk February 16, 2015

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Bacon and eggs

Yesterday I hung out with bae. Love you so much πŸ’œ

by hhh2k April 27, 2015

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The Proper Definition is:


omg.....Luke is totally my bae.
channing tatum is totally bae

by 11289sbvhsdgfggjks disisbs December 17, 2015

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Best friends or baby

that your rachet bae

by HeatherButt February 17, 2015

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A vacation with bae. Its a combination of bae and vacation.

Josh took his bae, Mellisa on a bae-cation to Seychelles Islands, Africa

by Very Long Guy May 16, 2016

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