Making fun of someone when they have a verbal typo
"You missed Jeff do a classic flab crip the other day..."
"I had a real bad case of flab cripping earlier...
a deadly gang that revolves killing but have deadly rivals with Ligma Bloods
The best gang is Candice Crips
Sum real steppas frm LA, Bossier City dhet kill fa fun
Dem K-Side Crips take yo ah off da map
One who is both part of the crip and part cuh. A true hybrid. The crip cuh
Yooo check it out, he’s a crip cuh!
Hargrave st crip is a gang that was created in the 1980's by a group of teenagers that were born around the 1960's when the crip gang was created. Hargrave st crip was an alliance made from 303 Hargrave street to 909 Hargrave street but the only existing set left in 2010 is 625 Hargrave st. a set that Hargrave st crips have made an alliance with are toaa crip gang that was created in 1970. Hargrave st crip enemies consist of 18 street gang(salvodorian originated), Florencia 13, and van ness ganger brims. there allies consist of toaa crip and the FNB's(a tagging group).
Hargrave street crips resigned at inglewood in the 1980's
A Crip who is hard on the outside but is soft on the inside
Ayo! That guy over there! Yea bro he a Poptart Crip!
The art of turning crisps into powder while still in the bag. Purpose: to Anger the owner of the crisps!!
"Hey what's Iain doing??"
"Ahh fuck is he turning my Monster Munch into Sand Crips?...."